Published on February 21, 2025

There are more Post-Annual Enrollment questions and answers available!

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When does evidence of insurability (EOI) apply?

You must take a health questionnaire before you’ll be approved for voluntary life insurance coverage if:

  • You enroll in over $500,000 of voluntary life insurance coverage
  • You increase your voluntary life insurance by over $100,000
  • You enroll in over $50,000 of voluntary life insurance coverage for your spouse or domestic partner

AD&D coverage increases don’t require EOI. You may elect and/or increase AD&D coverage for yourself, your spouse, and/or your eligible children without EOI. Voluntary life insurance coverage for your children doesn’t require EOI either.

If required, how do I complete EOI?

Workmates who need to complete EOI for additional voluntary life coverage will see a task in Workday beginning November 21 that includes a link to the Unum EOI application.

Tip: If you accidentally hit Submit too soon on the Workday task, you can still access the task through the EOI Announcement, or navigate to the Unum site. Go to Workday, select the Benefits app, then look for the Unum EOI option in the External Links section.